Shocking: Become a Terrorist, get paid by Indian Government

I was browsing through the communities in Orkut. In one of the communities I found a thread discussing about this video. It was very surprising as this was a new news for me! I follow almost all major English News channels and to my knowledge this bit of news was not shown at all !  These channels will be first in showing some particular events (you’d know what I mean if you watch these channels regularly) and criticize till the very end. But in some cases, as in this one, they happen to ignore completely. This piece of news never made a buzz. Is this a matter of least importance? Watch the video and let me know if it is so.. Are they keen on publishing news from a particular side or view point by criticizing the other side to the cheapest level? Or they show only convinient issues? Why this bias? Anyway, just view this video. If it isn’t a new news to you, then you’ll be as shocked as i am now. Where are we heading to? Lets discuss about this after you view the video.